1.2 Tool Composition

1.2.1 Composition of Package

The S1C63 Family Assembler Package contains the items listed below. When it is unpacked, make sure that all items are supplied.


CD-ROM (Tools and PDF manuals are included) ..................


2) Warranty card .........................................................................

One each in English and Japanese


Registration card ....................................................................

One each in English and Japanese

1.2.2 Outline of Software Tools

The following shows the outlines of the software tools included in the package:

Assembler (as63.exe)

Converts the mnemonic of the source files into object codes (machine language) of the S1C63000. The results are output in a relocatable object file. This assembler includes preprocessing functions such as macro definition/call, conditional assembly, and file-include functions.

Linker (lk63.exe)

Links the relocatable objects created by the assembler by fixing the memory locations, and creates executable absolute object codes. The linker also provides an auto EXT insertion/correction function allowing the programmer to create sources without having to know branch destination ranges.

Hex converter (hx63.exe)

Converts an absolute object in IEEE-695 format output from the linker into ROM-image data in Motorola-S format or Intel-HEX format. This conversion is needed when making the ROM or when creating mask data using the mask data checker.

Disassembler (ds63.exe)

Disassembles an absolute object file in IEEE-695 format or a hex file in Motorola-S format, and restores it to a source format file. The restored source file can be processed in the assembler/linker/hex converter to obtain the same object or hex file.

Debugger (db63.exe)

This software performs debugging by controlling the ICE hardware tool. Commands that are used frequently, such as break and step, are registered on the tool bar, minimizing the necessary keyboard operations. Moreover, sources, registers, and command execution results can be displayed in multiple windows, with resultant increased efficiency in the debugging tasks.

Work Bench (wb63.exe)

This software provides an integrated development environment with Windows GUI. Creating/ editing source files, selecting files and major start-up options, and the start-up of each tool can be made with simple Windows operations.