This option is not available for S1C63 Family microcomputers.

User's Name

Enter your company name. Up to 40 characters can be entered. You can use English letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces. The content entered here is recorded in the USER'S NAME field of the function option document file.


Enter a comment. Up to 50 characters can be entered in one line. You can enter up to 10 lines. You can use English letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces. Use the [Enter] key to create a new line. All comments should include the following information:

Place of business, your department or section

Address, telephone number, and facsimile number

Other: Technical information, etc.

The content entered here is recorded in the COMMENT field of the function option document file. When you have finished entering the above necessary items, click [OK]. The setup contents are saved, and the dialog box is closed. The setup contents take effect immediately. If you click [Cancel], current settings will not be changed and the dialog box is closed.

Notes: • File name specification is subject to the following limitations:

1.The number of characters that can be used to specify a file name including the path is 2,048.

2.The file name itself (not including the extension) can be up to 15 characters, and the exten- sion up to three characters.

3.The file name cannot begin with a hyphen (-), nor can the following symbols be used as part

of directory names (folder names), file names, and extensions: / : , ; ? " < >

The symbols shown below cannot be used in the User's Name and Comment: $ \ `

(3)Selecting options

Select necessary options by clicking the corresponding check boxes in the option list. When you change any selection item in the option list area, the display in the function option document area is updated. Note that when you have loaded the device information definition file, the option list is placed in its default selection state.

For details about option specifications, refer to the Technical Manual available for each type of microcomputer.

(4) Creating files

After selecting options, select [Generate] from the [Tool] menu or click the [Generate] button to create the files.

[Generate] button

The function option document file you specified from the [Setup] dialog box and the function option HEX file (if specified) are created. When winfog has finished creating the files normally, it displays the message "Making file(s) is completed" in the message area. If an error occurs, an error message is displayed.