8.9.19 Mode Settingmd (mode)


This command sets the debugger modes described below.

1.Displaying on-the-fly information

You can choose the display interval of the on-the-fly information from 0 to 5 (times) per second. When 0 is chosen, the on-the-fly information will not be displayed.

2.Measurement mode for the execution cycle counter

This mode can be selected from the actual execution-time measurement mode (indicated in microseconds) or the bus cycle mode (indicated in terms of the number of cycles executed).

3.Interrupt mode for step execution

You can choose to enable or disable interrupts during single-stepping.

4.Single-step display mode

You can choose to display the execution results of each step or only the last step during single-step operation. The register values are updated when their contents are displayed in the [Register] window; they are displayed in the [Command] window if the [Register] window is closed.

If the [Source] window is open, the displayed lines are marked with an arrow as they are executed according to the setting of this mode.

5.Mode of execution cycle counter

This can be selected from hold mode or reset mode. In reset mode, the counter value is reset to 0 each time you enter a program execution command (including execution by the [Enter] key).

The value of the execution cycle counter is also reset when you execute a gr command, switch this mode or the counter measurement mode, or execute an rst command.

6.Illegal instruction check mode

When loading a program file into the computer using the lf or lo command, you can choose whether or not you want illegal instructions to be checked.

This check is disabled when rewriting the program memory with a pe or pf command.

7.cmw command wait time

A cmw command wait time can be set in the range of 1 to 256 seconds (in 1-second increments).

Default values of debugger modes


Default setting

On-the-fly function

Twice per second

Counter measurement mode

Bus cycle

Interrupt at stepping

Not allowed

Step display

Each step

Execution cycle counter reset


Illegal instruction check


cmw wait time

1 second