(4)Execution cycle counter

The execution cycle counter displayed in the [Register] window indicates the number of cycles executed or the execution time of the target program. (Refer to Section 8.8.4 for details.)

In the initial debugger settings, the execution cycle counter is set to hold mode so that execution time is added up until the CPU is reset. If this mode is changed to reset mode by the md command, the execution cycle counter is cleared to 0 each time the g command is executed. The counter is also reset simultaneously when execution is restarted by hitting the [Enter] key.


If a break condition is met, program execution is suspended and the PC will be set to the program address at the breakpoint.

The address you specified must be within the range of the program memory area available with each microcomputer model.

An error results if the input one is not a hexadecimal number or a valid symbol.

Error : invalid value

(no such symbol / symbol type error)

An error results if the limit is exceeded.

Error : Address out of range, use 0-0xXXXX

GUI utility

[Run Go] menu item, [Go] button

When this menu item or button is selected, the g command without temporary break is executed.

[Go] button

[Run Go to Cursor] menu item, [Go to Cursor] button

When this menu item or button is selected after placing the cursor to the temporary break address line in the [Source] window, the g command with a temporary break is executed. The program execution will be suspended after executing the address at the cursor position.

[Go to Cursor] button