
This document describes the development procedure from assembling source files to debugging. It also explains how to use each development tool of the "S1C63 Family Assembler Package" common to all the models of the S1C63 Family.


We are not responsible for any problems involving products you have manufactured using packed data created without the use of the tool contained in this package, or using packed data edited after being created using the tool contained in this package.

How To Read the Manual

This manual was edited particularly for those who are engaged in program development. Therefore, it assumes that the reader already possesses the following fundamental knowledge:

Basic knowledge about assembler language

Basic knowledge about the general concept of program development by an assembler

Basic operating methods for Windows®95/98 or Windows NT®4.0

Before installation

See Chapter 1. Chapter 1 describes the composition of this package, and provides a general outline of each tool.


Install the tools following the installation procedure described in "setup_e.pdf".

To understand the flow of program development

See the program development flow in Chapter 2.

For coding

See the necessary parts in Chapter 4. Chapter 4 describes the grammar for the assembler language as well as the assembler functions. Also refer to the following manuals when coding:

S1C63xxx Technical Manual

Covers device specifications, and the operation and control method of the peripheral circuits.

S1C63000 Core CPU Manual

Has the instructions and details the functions and operation of the Core CPU.

For debugging

Chapter 8 gives detailed explanation of the debugger. Sections 8.1 to 8.8 give an overview of the functions of the debugger. See Section 8.9 for details of the debug commands. Also refer to the following manuals to understand operations of the In-Circuit Emulator (ICE) and the Peripheral Circuit Board S5U1C63xxxP:

S5U1C63000H1 Manual (S1C63 Family In-Circuit Emulator)

Explains the functions and handling methods of the ICE.

S5U1C63xxxP Manual (Peripheral Circuit Board for S1C63xxx)

Covers the functions and handling methods of the peripheral circuit board that provides the hardware specifications of each model to the ICE.

For details of each tool

Chapters 3 to 8 explain the details of each tool. Refer to it if necessary.

Once familiar with this package

Refer to the listings of instructions and commands contained in Appendices.


