8.5 Tool Bar

This section outlines the tool bar available with the debugger.

8.5.1 Tool Bar Structure

The tool bar has 14 buttons, each one assigned to a frequently used command.

The specified function is executed when you click on the corresponding button.

8.5.2 [Key Break] Button

This button forcibly breaks execution of the target program. This function can be used to cause the program to break when the program has fallen into an endless loop.

8.5.3 [Load File] and [Load Option] Buttons

[Load File] button

This button reads an object file in the IEEE-695 format into the debugger. It performs the same function when the lf command is executed.

[Load Option] button

This button reads a program file, data file for the data ROM or an optional HEX file in Motorola-S format into the debugger. It performs the same function when the lo command is executed.

8.5.4 [Source], [Mix], and [Unassemble] Buttons

These buttons open the [Source] window or switch over the display modes.

[Source] button

This button switches the display of the [Source] window to the source mode. The [Source] window opens if it is closed. This button performs the same function when the sc command is executed.

[Unassemble] button

This button switches the display of the [Source] window to the unassemble mode. The [Source] window opens if it is closed. This button performs the same function when the u command is executed.

[Mix] button

This button switches the display of the [Source] window to the mix mode (unassemble & source). The [Source] window opens if it is closed. This button performs the same function when the m command is executed.

8.5.5 [Go], [Go to Cursor], [Go from Reset], [Step], [Next], and [Reset] Buttons

[Go] button

This button executes the target program from the address indicated by the current PC. It performs the same function when the g command is executed.

[Go to Cursor] button

This button executes the target program from the address indicated by the current PC to the cursor position in the [Source] window (the address of that line). It performs the same function when the g <address> command is executed.

Before this button can be selected, the [Source] window must be open and the address line where the program is to break must be clicked. Selecting a break address by clicking on the address line is valid for only the lines that have actual code, and is invalid for the source-only lines.