8.8.7 Operation of Flash Memory

The ICE in-circuit emulator contains flash memory. This memory is designed to allow data to be transferred to and from the ICE's emulation memory and the target memory by a command.

The flash memory retains data even when the ICE is turned off. By writing the program and/or data under debug into the flash memory before turning off the power, you can call it up and continue debugging next time. Also, even when operating the ICE in free-run mode (in which a program is executed using only the ICE), you may need to write the program into the flash memory.

The following operations can be performed on the flash memory:

(1)Read from flash memory

Data is loaded from the flash memory into the emulation and/or target memory.

(2)Write to flash memory

Data in the emulation and/or target memory is saved to the flash memory. Also, the contents of the parameter file can be written to the flash memory as necessary. After writing to the flash memory in this way, you can protect it against read and write.

(3)Erasing flash memory

All contents of the flash memory are erased.

Table Commands to operate on flash memory




Read from flash memory


[File Flash Memory Operation...]

Write to flash memory


[File Flash Memory Operation...]

Erase flash memory


[File Flash Memory Operation...]




Note: Unless the contents of the parameter file that is specified when invoking Debugger db63 match the contents of parameters in the flash memory, neither write (sfl) nor read (lfl) to and from the flash memory can be performed. After you have received the shipment of the ICE, erased the flash memory, or used a different parameter file (designed for some other microcomputer model in the S1 63 Family), be sure to write the contents of your parameter file along with other data into the flash memory using the sfl command.

Free-run of the ICE

When operating the ICE in free-run mode (with the program executed using only the ICE), the IC uses the data written in the flash memory. Therefore, before the ICE can be used in free-run mode, the entire program, data, and option data must be written into the flash memory.

To operate the ICE in free-run mode, set the ICE/RUN switch to the RUN position and turn on the power. During free-run, map breaks caused by operation in the program and data areas set by a parameter file are effective. When a map break occurs, the PC LED on the ICE stops and the EMU LED turns off. All other break settings are invalid because they cannot be written into the flash memory.