Source file

File format: Text file File name: <file name>.s

Description: This is the source file of the above object file. It is read when the debugger performs source display.

Program file

File format: HEX file in Motorola-S format File name: <file name>.hsa, <file name>.lsa

Description: This is a load image file of the program ROM, and is read into the debugger by the lo command. The file ".hsa" corresponds to the 5 high-order bits of the program code and the file ".lsa" corresponds to the 8 low-order bits of the program code. These files are generated for the purpose of creating mask data from an object file in the IEEE-695 format by the Hex convertor. Unlike files in the IEEE-695 format, these files cannot be used for source display or symbolic debugging, but can be used to check the operation of final program data.

Data file for data ROM

File format: HEX file in Motorola-S format File name: <file name>.csa

Description: This is a load image file of the data ROM, and is read into the debugger by the lo com- mand. This file is generated for the purpose of creating mask data from an object file in the IEEE-695 format by the Hex convertor. When an absolute object file in the IEEE-695 format is loaded, it is not necessary to load this file.

Option data file

File format: HEX file in Motorola-S format

File name: <file name>.fsa, <file name>.ssa, <file name>.msa (Varies with the type of microcomputer) Description: These data files are used to set up hardware options for each microcomputer model and is

read by the lo command. These files are generated by a development tool available for each microcomputer model.

Command file

File format: Text file

File name: <file name>.cmd (An extension other than ".cmd" can also be used.)

Description: This file contains a description of debug commands to be executed successively. By writing a series of frequently used commands in this file, the time and labor required for entering commands from the keyboard can be saved. The command described in the file are read and executed using the com or cmw command.

8.2.2 Output FilesLog file

File format: Text file

File name: <file name>.log (An extension other than ".log" can also be used.)

Description: This file contains the information of executed commands and execution results that are

output to a file. Output of this file can be controlled by the log command.

Record file

File format: Text file

File name: <file name>.cmd (An extension other than ".cmd" can also be used.)

Description: This file contains the information of executed commands that are output to a file. Output of this file can be controlled by the rec command.

Trace file

File format: Text file

File name: <file name>.trc (An extension other than ".trc" can also be used.)

Description: This file contains the specified range of trace information. Output of this file can be controlled by the tf command.