4.12 Setting Folders for Saving Scanned Data

4.12.4 Setting a File Name Format for When Saving Scanned Data

Central Admin


A file name format can be set to be used when scanned data is saved in a network folder, FTP server folder, or SharePoint folder.

The specified file name format is used for the default value in the [File Name] input field on the [Save] or [Scan to SharePoint] window for regular users.

zThe following file names cannot be used: z CON



z COM0 to COM9 z LPT0 to LPT9

zThe following symbols cannot be used for a file name.

\ / : * ? " < >

When you save a file in a SharePoint folder, the following symbols cannot be used. ~ " # % & * : < > ? { }

zA file name used for saving a file in the SharePoint folder cannot be set via the LCD touch panel. Set it via the Admin Tool or Central Admin Console.

1.Perform one of the following operations.

zFor a network folder

Select [Network Settings] J [Network Folder] J [File Names (Save)].

zFor an FTP server folder

Select [Network Settings] J [FTP Server Folder] J [File Names (Save)].

zFor a SharePoint folder

Select [Network Settings] J [SharePoint Folder] J [File Names (Save)].

DThe [File Names (Save)] window appears.

The following description uses a network folder as an example.