6.9 Setting the Scan Options

1.On the [Scan Settings] window, select the [Advanced] tab.

2.Press the [Edge Cropping] button.

DThe [Edge Cropping] window appears.

3.If edge cropping is to be used, enter the width of the edges to be cropped.

4. Press the [OK] button.

DThis returns you to the [Scan Settings] window. The selected setting is displayed to the right of the [Edge Cropping] button.

zIf the edge cropping width (top to bottom/left to right edge cropping width total) is larger than the document, the edge cropping setting is not applied.

zIf page orientation is set, edge cropping is performed after the page orientation is corrected.

Example: In the following example, [Left-feed] is selected for page orientation.

Original document

Page Orientation

Edge Cropping


Feed direction


Scanned data is rotated 90 degrees left