
The following manuals are prepared for the scanner. Read them as needed.




ScanSnap N1800

Provides useful and detailed information on the scanner

Getting Started

setup and cable connections.


Read this manual first.


Referred to as "Getting Started" in this manual.



ScanSnap N1800

Contains further information about scanner settings,

Operator's Guide

scanner administration, and scanner operations, and may


be used as a general reference.


Referred to as "Operator's Guide" in this manual.



ScanSnap N1800

Provides information about items on the screens, and

Help (HTML)

descriptions and actions to take for the messages. Read it


as needed.



About This Manual

Warning Indications Used in This Manual

The following indications are used in this manual to obviate any chance of accident or damage to you and people near you, and your property. Warning labels indicate the warning level and statements. The symbols indicating warning levels and their meanings are as follows:

This indication alerts operators to an operation that, if not strictly observed, ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ may result in severe injury or death.

This indication alerts operators to an operation that, if not strictly observed, ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ may result in safety hazards to personnel or damage to the product.