5.7 Setting Scanner Configuration

Adding Scanner Configuration

This section describes how to add scanner configuration.

1.Press the [Config List] button in the Central Admin Console main window.

DThe [Scanner Config List] window appears.

2.Press the [New] button.

DThe [Edit Scanner Details] window appears.

3.In [Scanner Name], enter the scanner name. This entry is required.4.In [IP Address], enter the numeric IP address of the scanner.5.In [MAC Address], enter the MAC address of the scanner.6.In [Settings Group], enter the settings group of the scanner.

This group name is used to identify the settings contents of a group.

The settings group name entered here is displayed on the [Scanner Settings] window, Settings Groups.

7. In [Add-in Group], enter the Add-in group of the scanner.

This group name is used to identify an Add-in module.

The Add-in name entered here is displayed on the [Add-in Installs] window, Add-in Groups.

8.Select the [Should not be applied] check box to not update the system.9.In [Comment], enter the comments on the scanner.10.Press the [OK] button.

DThe scanner configuration is registered.