E.6 Viewing the Mail Address Book/Local Accounts

Load and view mail address books or local accounts.

Loading from a Scanner

Load mail address books or local accounts from a scanner in the following ways.

1.Select [Address Book] tab to load mail address books. Select [Local Account] tab to load local accounts.

2.Perform either of the following.

zSelect the [File] menu, and then select [Load from Scanner].

zPress the [Load from Scanner] button on the toolbar.

DThe [Load from Scanner] dialog box appears.

3.Enter the information to connect to the scanner.

zEnter the scanner IP address, host name, or FQDN for [Connect to].

z To enter an IP address, use the "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" format, where xxx is a value from 0 to 255.

z For a host name or FQDN, up to 255 characters can be entered.

zFor [Port Number], enter the number of the port to be used for communication with the scanner, within the range of 1 to 65535. The default value is "80".

Select the [Use HTTPS] check box to use HTTPS for communication from the scanner.

zFor [User Name], enter the name of the user to login to the scanner.

zFor [Password], enter the password for the user to login to the scanner.

Connect as a user that can login to the scanner.

zTo edit a mail address book, login as a regular user.

zTo edit local accounts, login as an administrator (admin) or an administrator of a local account created with User Editor. For a new local account, login as an administrator (admin).

4.Select the [Open] button.

DMail address books or local accounts appear.