A.5 Multifeed Detection Conditions

There are three multifeed detection modes: document layer, document length, and both document layer and length.

To detect multifeeds with document layer, document length, or both document layer and length, specify [Ultrasonic], [Length], or [Both], in "6.9.19 Multifeed Detection (Layer and Length)" (page 392).

The following conditions must be satisfied in each of these detection modes.

Detection by Layer

zSet sheets of the same thickness in the ADF paper chute for a series of scans.

zPaper weight: 52 to 127 g/m2 (14 to 34 lb) (45 to 110 kg/ream) (0.06 to 0.15 mm)

zPunched holes are not allowed within 25 mm (0.98 in.) either side of the center of paper.(*)

zDo not glue on any other paper within 25 mm (0.98 in.) either side of the center of paper.(*)

(*): Refer to Figure 1.

Detection by Length

zSet sheets of the same length in the ADF paper chute for a series of scans.

zDocument length deviation: 1% or less

zPunched holes are not allowed within 25 mm (0.98 in.) either side of the center of paper.(*)

(*): Refer to Figure 1.

Detection by both Layer and Length

zSet sheets of the same thickness and length in the ADF paper chute for a series of scans.

zDocument thickness: 52 to 127 g/m2 (45 to 110 kg for 1,000 sheets) (0.065 to 0.15 mm)

zDocument length deviation: 1% or less

zPunched holes are not allowed within 25 mm (0.98 in.) either side of the center of paper.(*)

zDo not glue on any other paper within 25 mm (0.98 in.) either side of the center of paper.(*)

(*): Refer to Figure 1.