E |
Entering Manual Mode
To go to Manual mode, press the M key at the main menu. The menu of Manual mode selections appears to the right of the Main menu.
You can press ESC to return to the main menu, or press P for help.
Reading One Word of Input, Output, or Register Data
The R,Q, and I options each read a word of data from the register, output, or input table.
In the example below, Q was selected. Then target ID = 1 and address 1 were designated as the data to fetch.
The data returned was FF FF (hex) which indicates that outputs Q1± Q16 were all high (1).
Reading Multiple Bytes of Input, Output, or Register Data
The M option allows reading of multiple bytes from any of the tables. The data which is being transmitted is shown as hex bytes from left to right in the order they are transmitted. Generally the first byte is the target ID, and the second byte is the function number. The last 2 bytes are the checksum. The bytes in between are the start addresses, lengths, and data if applicable. The received data is shown in the same format. The data bytes are bracketed by ±±> DATA BYTES <±± left and right arrows.
Micro PLC Programmer's Guide ± April 1994 |