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Creating or Editing Autopolling Screens
This section explains how to create or edit display screens that can be used for:
HDisplaying selected input, output, and register data from multiple Micro PLCs or other remote RTU devices.
HWriting a Value to a Register
HForcing an Output
HObtaining Register Data from a Disk File
To create a screen, or change an existing one, from the main menu type A (Auto Polling).
You will see the menu shown below.
To create or edit a screen file, press C.
Naming an Auto-polling Screen File
At the prompt, enter the file name you wish the screen to have. During operation, it will be possible to display (execute) any screen through the menus provided. However, it will also be possible to change from one screen to another with a single keystroke if you give the screens the following names: 0.SCN, 1.SCN, etc. up to 9.SCN. These screens can be loaded and executed with a single keystroke (ª0º thru ª9º keys).
You can create the screens with these names, or rename them later using the DOS rename command (COPY may also be used ± for example, COPY DEMO.SCN 1.SCN will replace the). present 1.SCN with the DEMO.SCN screen).Press the Enter key.
You should always name your screens with a .SCN extension. This is required to execute screens from within the DISPLAY environment or from the DOS command line.
After entering the filename, press the Enter key to continue.
Specifying an Existing File to Edit
If you want to change an
Appendix E Data Acquisition, Logging, and Display Program |