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Colors/logtime setup format ± &#,SC,BC,LT
Use this setup format to:
HChange screen colors for the
The screen and border colors default to 7,7 which is recommended for monochrome monitors. However, you can specify any colors your computer can generate. If you want to try out a color combination before using it here, go back to the Main menu and select Setup Colors (S).
HSpecify a time interval for logging screen data to disk.
This formatting string is normally located below the first 21 lines of the screen, to de±clutter the screen and allow for more space for other items. It can be located in the first 21 lines if desired, however.
time between logs to disk border color
text and background colors setup information follows
10 seconds between logs to disk border color
text and background colors setup information follows
&# indicates that setup information follows
SC Text/background color combinations. 7 is recommended for monochrome.
BC Border color. 7 is recommended for monochrome.
LT Time between data logs to disk. 0 turns the data logging off.
To turn logging off, make the log time parameter in the setup string equal to 0.
To turn logging on, enter a logging time interval of up to 32000 seconds
(8.89 hours). If any data on the screen is out of range, the data will be saved to disk at this time interval (10 seconds in this example). This time does not affect the normal screen update time.
The logging time cannot be faster than the screen update time. If you are running at 300 baud, it may take 10±20 seconds to update a screen. It is not possible to log the disk data any faster than this, no matter what value is put in the formatting string.
Micro PLC Programmer's Guide ± April 1994 |