Settings selected automatically by the printer when the power is turned on. Enter the
Dot Matrix
The grid used to print characters on a dot matrix printer. Each dot corresponds to a wire in the print head.
Transferring soft fonts from the computer to the printer’s memory. Downloading allows you to use fonts not resident in the computer.
Dots per inch.
A complete set of printable characters having the same size and style. For example, Courier 10 and Prestige Elite 12 are commonly used fonts.
Form Feed (FF)
A signal to the printer to advance the paper forward one page. Form feeds can be executed either by your software or by pressing the FF/Load button on the printer control panel.
Graphics Printing
Controlling the print head wires (dots) individually to produce a picture or an image on the page.
Hex Dump
A hexadecimal printout of control codes and data. Hex dumps are used to debug computer programs and to troubleshoot printer malfunctions. To print a hex dump on the printer, use the
A connection that allows communication from one part of a system to another. For example, electrical signals are transferred between the computer and printer over an interface cable.
Kilobyte. 1K byte equals 1024 bytes.
Letter Size
A standard paper size used in the United States and other countries. Paper is