Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005
Using Partners Creating an Inbound Relationship
3 - 65
3On the Inbound Interchange Select dialog box, click New.
System response
The system displays the Inbound Interchange Entry Dialog Box.
4In the Description box, type the interchange description.
5In the Interchange ID box, type the identification of the interchange
you are specifying.
The EDI standards define which interchange ID should be used for
each type of document.
6If you have more complex requirements for processing the
interchange, click Advanced to display the full list of interchange
setup options.
System response
The system displays the Advanced fields on the Inbound Interchange
Entry dialog box.
7After you set up the required parameters in this dialog box, click
Save to store the information and return to the Inbound Interchange
Select dialog box.
8◗Highlight the new interchange.
◗Click Select.
System response
Selects the interchange and returns to the Inbound Relationship
dialog box.
Finalizing the inbound relationship
1On the Inbound Relationship dialog box, click Save to save the
inbound relationship.
2Click Exit to return to the Partner Editor dialog box.
Step Action