Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005
GL - 5
document One transaction set containing data and treated as a single entity. The amount of
data does not affect whether something is a document or not, only the fact that it is
treated as a single entity. For example, regardless of whether a purchase order
contains one item or ten thousand items, if it is one purchase order, it is one
If a trading partner sends you a communication containing 10 purchase orders,
you have received 10 documents. If the communication contains 15 invoices, you
have received 15 documents.
double-click Indicates that you should position your cursor on top of the designated item and
quickly press and release your primary mouse button twice. The primary mouse
button is the button you access with your index finger, regardless of whether you
are using right-handed or left-handed mouse operation.
DTD A DTD (document type definition) is a type of schema used to specify the
structure and semantics of an XML document or message.
EANA International Article Numbering Association, based in Brussels, Belgium.
EDI Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the process by which companies can
exchange business documents directly from application to application by
computer without paper documents being produced.
EDI standard The rules for translating a business document into an EDI document.
EDIA The Electronic Data Interchange Association, formerly known as the
Transportation Data Coordinating Committee (TDCC).
EDIFACT Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce, and Transport.
element The smallest piece of usable information defined by the standards. Examples
might include a quantity, unit price, or description.
An individual element can have somewhat different meanings depending on
context. Therefore, elements are normally not considered to have useful meaning
until they are combined into segments.
(Continued on next page)