Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005 Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide
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authorization Permission to access a protected resource, service, or sensitive information.
browser A window that displays a list of items, such as documents (transaction sets),
interchanges, or translation objects. A document browser displays only
click Indicates that you should position your cursor on top of the designated item and
press and release your primary mouse button. The primary mouse button is the
button you access with your index finger, regardless of whether you are using
right-handed or left-handed mouse operation.
cluster A set of computers that work together to provide a service. The use of a cluster
enhances both the availability and scalability of the service. The Windows
operating systems provide a software solution for clustering multiple computers
running networked client/server applications.
Everything sent and received to/from one telephone number in one continuous
period of connection. This could include sending two or three interchange
envelopes to a network, each for a different trading partner.
Communicator The Gentran:Server communications software. The Communicator enables you to
send, receive, resend, establish communication port definitions, establish
communication profiles, establish communication scripts, and view and delete
communication sessions.
compliance An implementation is compliant if and only if it fully meets each and every
requirement of the standards specification. Specifically, each transaction, action,
or data element produced by the implementation must be valid as defined by the
standard. Compliance testing is the act of comparing the operation of an
implementation against the specified requirements to determine compliance or
compliant This means that the document conforms to the EDI standards as defined by the
translation object.
component data
A simple data element that belongs to a composite data element. Component data
elements are also called sub-elements.