Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005
Using Partners Creating a Partner Definition
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6If necessary, in the Application Code box, type an application code to
identify this partner.
The system uses this identifier during outbound import processing, to
select the correct partner.
7◗Select the appropriate mailbox from the Default Mailbox list.
◗Click New Mailbox to create a new mailbox.
See the Communications User’s Guide for more information about
creating mailboxes.
8After you enter all the partner definition information, click Save.
9Click Exit to return to the Partner Editor dialog box.
To complete the partner profile, you need to define an inbound or
outbound relationship or both.
◗If you are receiving and processing information from this trading
partner, you need to define an appropriate inbound relationship
◗If you are sending information to this trading partner, you need to
define an outbound relationship.
Step Action