New Table Dialog Box Using Partners
Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005 Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide
3 - 94
New Table Dialog Box
Introduction The New Table dialog box enables you to create a cross-reference or lookup table.
Diagram The following illustrates the New Table dialog box:
Parts and
The following lists the parts of the New Tables dialog box and their functions:
Part Function
Table Name Specify the name of the table.
The table name must be the same as the name used in the
translation object that requires the table. If your database is
case-sensitive, when you reference the table using standard or
extended rules, you must type the exact name of the table
(including case).
See the Application Integration User’s Guide for more
information about standard and extended rules.
Table Type Specify the type of table. Valid values:
Cross-Reference Used to convert your values to your trading
partner's values during outbound processing,
and to convert your trading partner's values to
your values during inbound processing.
Lookup Used to find values in inbound or outbound
Save Saves the modified information.
Exit Exits the New Table dialog box.
Help Displays Online Help.