Changing your Password Getting Started
Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005 Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide
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Changing your Password
Introduction Your Gentran:Server password is stored in your User Access profile.
◗You must know your old password to change it. If you have forgotten your
password, please contact your system administrator.
◗If you are using Integrated security, you may also need to change your
Gentran:Server and database passwords if you change your Windows
See your system administrator if you have any questions about which security
mode you use.
Procedure Use this procedure to change your password.
Step Action
1From the Options menu, select Preferences.
System response
The Preferences dialog box is displayed.
2Select the Change Password tab to access that option.
3In the Old Password box, type your old password.
4In the New Password box, type your new password.
5In the Confirm New Password box, type your new password again.
If the Confirm New Password does not match the New Password,
you will be prompted to type it again.
6Once complete, click OK to save the changes.
System response
The system is updated and the next time you log on to the system
you will need to enter the new password.