Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005
Using Process Control Viewing Events
11 - 33
viewing all events
To view all events, complete the following steps:
Step Action
1Click Process Control on The Desk.
System response
The system displays the Gentran:Server Process Control dialog
2Click the Events tab to display the event options.
System response
The system displays the Process Control dialog box (Events tab).
3If you want to filter events by the controller on which the events are
run, select that controller from the Controller list.
4Use the following table to select the appropriate sort key from the
Sort list.
IF you want to sort by...
THEN select this from
the Sort list...
the events listed in alphabetic order of
the event descriptions
This is the default.
the events listed in alphabetic order of
the controller
the events listed by:
1. currently processing events (red
2. blocked events (green indicator
with red “x”)
3. activated events (green indicator)
4. suspended events (yellow
(Continued on next page)