Creating an Outbound Relationship Using Partners
Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005 Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide
3 - 70
6From the appropriate drop-down lists on the Outbound Relationship
dialog box, select the following:
◗Ve r s i o n
◗Transaction Set
◗Release (for TRADACOMS only)
◗The contents of these lists are displayed from the translation
objects registered in Gentran:Server. For example, if there are no
translation objects for ANSI X12 version 003040 registered with
Gentran, you will not be able to select that version on this dialog
◗The information required for this dialog box should be provided
to you by your trading partner when this partner defines the
details of the transactions they send you.
7If you need to define parameters to comply with the processing needs
of your partner (such as Last Used Control Number, Expect
Acknowledgement, Hours Overdue, Duplicate Documents, or Test
Indicator), click Advanced.
System response
The system displays the Advanced fields on the Outbound
Relationship dialog box.
Selecting a transaction envelope (mandatory for EDIFACT, ODETTE, and
TRADACOMS standards—optional for ANSI, UCS, and TDCC)
1If you are using the EDIFACT, ODETTE, or TRADACOMS
standard, click Envelope to complete the envelope (header)
For the ANSI, UCS, and TDCC standards, the envelope information
is optional.
System response
The system displays one of the following dialog boxes:
◗Outbound UNH Envelope dialog box
◗Outbound MHD Envelope dialog box
◗Outbound ST Envelope dialog box
(Continued on next page)
Step Action