Printing Documents Using Documents
Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005 Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide
4 - 50
5On the Print Choice Dialog Box, select one of the following options
and click OK:
◗To print selected unformatted documents, select the Selected
Items option.
◗If you want the selected documents printed as formatted (a print
translation object must exist for the documents to be printed as
formatted), select the Selected Items option and the Formatted
check box.
◗If you are printing from the In Documents Browser or ?In
Documents Browser, you can either move the document to the
In Drawer Browser or leave the document in place.
◗To print a summary list of selected documents, select the
Summary List of Items option.
System response
The system displays the Print dialog box.
6On the Print dialog box, set the appropriate options and click OK.
The system displays the Print dialog box if you either selected no
documents from the browser and clicked Print, or if you chose
Summary List of Items from the Print Choice dialog box.
Step Action