Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005
Using Partners Exporting Partner Profiles
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Exporting Partner Profiles
Introduction Gentran:Server includes a feature that enables you to export existing partner
details to a file. You can also export your partners to disk to use as a backup of
your partner system.
Any tables (cross-reference, lookup, or location) attached to the partner profile are
also exported.
See the Partner File Layouts appendix in the Administration Guide for more
Procedure To export a partner profile, complete the following steps:
Step Action
1From the Tools menu, select Partner Editor.
System Response
The system displays the Partner Editor Dialog Box.
2◗Select a partner.
◗Click Export.
System response
The system displays the Export File Build Dialog Box.
3Name the export file by doing the following:
◗Navigate to the correct folder using the Look in list.
◗Type the name in the File name box.
The system automatically prompts you to name the export file with
the name of the partner and the .par extension.
4Click Save to export the partner.