Manually Acknowledging Documents Using Acknowledgements
Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005 Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide
8 - 10
Manually Acknowledging Documents
Introduction The Acknowledge function does not generate an acknowledgement; it merely
changes the status of the outbound document.The status of a document in the Out
Drawer browser may need to be manually set to Acknowledged for many reasons.
You have contacted a partner about an overdue document, and that partner
verified that it was received but they are not sending you an acknowledgement.
See Manually Acknowledging an Interchange, Group, or Document on
page 7 - 20 for more information.
Procedure To manually change the status of a document to Acknowledged, complete the
following steps:
Step Action
1From the appropriate area of The Desk, select Out Drawer.
System response
The Out Drawer Summary dialog box is displayed.
2Select the type of document for the appropriate partner and click
System response
The system displays the Out Drawer Browser.
3Select an Unacknowledged document that needs to be set to “Ack’d”
Unacknowledged documents are marked with one of these states.
4Click Ack.
System response
The system sets the status of the document to “Ack’d.”