Inbound Translation Object Dialog Box Using Partners
Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005 Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide
3 - 18
Export File
Specify the name of the file to be created or appended to as a
result of performing an export operation. This file name can
contain a mix of alphanumeric characters and formatting
characters, which are replaced by the translator with the
runtime value they represent.
Formatting characters supported
%y (two-digit year)
%Y (four-digit year)
%m (abbreviated month name)
%M (month as a decimal number)
%d (abbreviated weekday name)
%D (day of the month as a decimal number)
%H (hour in 24-hour format)
%N (minutes)
%S (seconds)
%K (document key)
%P (process identifier)
%U (unique number derived using the current time, export
filename, process identifier, and the rand() function)
The runtime file name is generated once per export.
The following is an example of a runtime file name using
formatting characters:
(Continued on next page)
Part Function