Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005
GL - 7
fail over A failover system is a backup operation that automatically switches to a standby
database, server, or network if the primary system fails or is temporarily shut
down for servicing. Fail over is an important fault tolerance function of mission-
critical systems that rely on constant accessibility. Fail over automatically (and, to
the user, transparently) redirects requests from the failed or down system to the
backup system that mimics the operations of the primary system.
find This function enables you to find specified text in the active data-view window.
functional group A group of transaction sets that the standards-setting body (such as ANSI) has
defined as fitting together with other related transaction sets. For example, a
Functional Group may be defined as containing all purchasing transaction sets.
header Control information prepended to data content, normally used to describe the data
or the relationship of the data with the applications.
import This command enables you to import data from an external application file.
Depending on the content of the file, the system may prompt you for partner,
transaction, or translation object information.
In Documents This browser contains a list of documents that the system received but that have
not yet been processed by the user. Once the documents are processed (printed or
exported), they are transferred to the In Drawer.
In Drawer This browser contains a list of documents that were received and processed.
interchange Contains all functional groups of documents (transaction sets) sent from one
sender to one receiver in the same transmission.
This browser enables you to view a hierarchical list of all the interchanges that
were sent or received. It contains status information about the interchanges (such
as whether or not a functional acknowledgement was received and the status of
that acknowledgement). This browser also enables you to access the documents
within the interchanges. The Interchanges browser can always be accessed.
label Descriptions of information that can be almost anything on a translation object
that is not an element, a keyword title, or an information indicator. They can also
be used as information dividers, such as a line of dashes.