Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005
GL - 1
?In Documents This browser contains a list of documents that were received by the system but
failed compliance checking or that do not have an identifiable partner or
transaction set.
?Out Documents This browser contains a list of documents that were imported into the system but
are invalid.
acknowledgement Indicates the ANSI 997 functional acknowledgement, the EDIA 999 acceptance/
rejection advice, and the EDIFACT CNTRL.
ack This function enables you to manually change the status of documents in the Out
Drawer to “Ack’d” (acknowledged).
AIAG The Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) is the standards-setting group for
the automotive industry. The standards form a subset of the ANSI X12 standard.
ANA Article Numbering Association.
ANSI American National Standards Institute. ANSI sets standards for many products
and services. The ANSI X12 committee is the main EDI standards-setting
organization for the United States.
Computer systems designed to fulfill specific business functions. These include
accounting, purchasing, materials control, human resources, shipping, and other
asynchronous Communication among distributed processes in which data can be transmitted
intermittently rather than in a steady stream.
audit log This function enables you to view system audit log information.