Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005
Using Partners Creating an Outbound Relationship
3 - 71
2Enter the appropriate information and click Save.
System response
Saves the information and returns to the Outbound Relationship
dialog box.
Selecting an outbound translation object
1On the Outbound Relationship dialog box, click Translation.
System response
The system displays the Outbound Translation Object Dialog Box.
2From the drop-down lists, select the translation objects required for
this outbound relationship.
◗The lists display all translation objects registered in the system
that are appropriate for the type of translation object (such as
Import or Print) and the transaction set.
◗If there are no translation objects displayed in the drop-down
lists, no translation objects of that type are registered for the
correct version of the document defined in the relationship.
3If you selected an Import translation object, you may need to define
the following:
◗In the Application ID box, type the application identifier that
indicates the destination for the documents.
◗In the Application Alias Value box, type criteria that the system
will use to distinguish this relationship from others during the
application import function.
4Click Save to save your selections and return to the Outbound
Relationship dialog box.
Selecting an outbound functional group
1On the Outbound Relationship dialog box, click Groups to display a
list of existing groups.
System response
The system displays the Outbound Group Select Dialog Box.
(Continued on next page)
Step Action