Viewing Events Using Process Control
Gentran:Server for Windows November 2005 Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide
11 - 32

Viewing Events

Events tab The Gentran:Server Process Control dialog enables you to view all the events
defined in your system.
On the Events tab, the following specifications are listed for each event:
Event description
Parameters (day of week if timed or result if polled)
Controller on which the event runs
Time started
Time ended
Session name
Calendar name (timed events only)
File name (polled events only)
Filtering event display
You can filter the display of events on the Events tab by the controller on which
the events are scheduled to run. You can also sort the events by description,
controller, and status.
Active Events tab The Active Events tab enables you to view only the events that are currently
processing. This feature also allows you to view currently processing system
events (such as temporary communication sessions).
Event list
On the Active Events tab, all currently processing events and the controller on
which each event are being processed are listed in the Event list (on the left side of
the dialog).
Session list
The Session list (on the right side of the Active Events tab) displays the session
script for the event that is currently selected in the Events list. The Session list
also contains all of the parameters for each command. This detailed view enables
you to see which programs are currently being executed by the Gentran
Executive. The session command that is currently being processed is indicated
with a green arrow.