Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005
GL - 3
composite data
A data element that is made up of multiple component elements.
Cryptographic keys are central to cryptographic operations and must be kept
secret because whoever possesses a particular key has access to any data with
which the key is associated. For example, if a key is used to encrypt a file, anyone
with a copy of that key can decrypt the file. Furthermore, anyone possessing a key
used to sign messages can forge that message signature.
copy This function enables you to copy one or more documents from the Out Drawer to
the Workspace.
The following are data-view windows in the Gentran:Server:
◗Audit Log
◗Document Tracking
◗Interchange Tracking
◗Raw data-view of an interchange
◗Raw data-view of a document
default A predefined value. Programs use these built-in values unless you specifically
override them.
Desk, The This is a graphic representation of Gentran:Server that provides an easy way to
access some of the most commonly used browsers, functions, and subsystems of
Gentran:Server. You can click the appropriate part of The Desk any time you need
to access a browser, function, or subsystem represented there. The following are
the browsers you can access:
◗In Documents
◗?In Documents
◗Out Documents
◗?Out Documents
◗In Drawer
◗Out Drawer
(Continued on next page)