Filtering the Display of Interchanges Using Interchanges
Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005 Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide
7 - 12
Filtering the Display of Interchanges
Introduction When the Interchanges browser is active, the Filter function enables you to filter
the display of interchanges by date, partner, and direction (inbound and
Procedure To filter interchanges by partner and/or date, complete the following steps:
Step Action
1From the appropriate area of The Desk, select Interchanges.
System response
The system displays the Interchanges Browser.
2From the Commands menu, select Filter.
System response
The system displays the Interchange Filter Dialog Box.
3Do you want the system to filter the display of interchanges by date
and time?
◗If yes, clear the No Date/Time Checking check box and proceed
with step 4.
◗If no, select the No Date/Time Checking check box and proceed
with step 6.
4Use the Date From slide bar to select the beginning date of the date
range, from which the system will filter the display of interchanges.
5Do you want the end date for the date range to always be the current
system date and time?
◗If yes, select the Always Current check box.
◗If no, clear the Always Current check box and move the Date to
slide bar to the date and time you want to use.
(Continued on next page)