Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005
Using Acknowledgements Special Considerations for EDIFACT Acknowledgements
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Special Considerations for EDIFACT Acknowledgements
Introduction When creating an outbound EDIFACT Control document, the default system
behavior is to extract the Sender ID and Receiver ID from the Internal System
User partner. According to the EDIFACT standard, the Sender ID and Receiver ID
in the UCI and UCF record of the Control document should contain the values
from the Inbound UNB and UNG segment, respectively.
The Gentran:Server product CD (in the Maps\Special directory) contains the
translation object CntrlBld_DLL.tpl. This map enables you to obtain the Sender
ID and Receiver ID from the inbound data file via a user exit that accesses the
GentranAutomation.DLL. The GentranAutomation.DLL is automatically
registered when you install or upgrade the product. This DLL is currently only
used by the CntrlBld_DLL map.
You can either use either functionality. The default translation object selected for
the Outbound Control Build relationship is the ACKBUILD_CONTRL.
Procedure To use the CntrlBld_DLL.tpl functionality to obtain the Sender ID and Receiver
ID, complete the following steps:
Step Action
1From the Tools menu, select Partner Editor.
System Response
The system displays the Partner Editor Dialog Box.
2Select the Outbound Control Build relationship from the Select a
Partner list and click Outbound.
System response
The system displays the Outbound Relationship Dialog Box for that
3On the Outbound Relationship dialog box, click Translation.
System response
The system displays the Outbound Translation Object Dialog Box.
4From the Import list, select ACKBUILD_CONTRL_DLL.
The default translation object selected for the Outbound Control
Build relationship is the ACKBUILD_CONTRL.
5Click Save to save your selections and return to the Outbound
Relationship dialog box.