EDI Translation Object Browser Using Translation Objects
Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005 Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide
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Used Indicates whether the translation object is currently
associated with an Inbound or Outbound Partner
Relationship. Valid values are:
◗Ye s —Indicates the translation object is in use.
◗No—Indicates the translation object is not in use.
◗SYS*—Indicates a system translation object that is in use.
◗SYS—Indicates a system translation object that is not in use
If a translation object is currently used (associated with an
Inbound or Outbound Partner Relationship), you cannot delete it.
Also, the system prevents you from deleting translation objects
that are designated as system translation objects (SYS* or SYS).
System Translation Objects are all translation objects except
Import, Export, Data Entry, Screen Entry, Turn Around, and Print.
Also, any translation object with “system” in the description is a
system translation object.
View Displays a window containing descriptive information for the
selected translation object, including the following:
◗Description of the translation object
◗Type of translation object (for example, Export)
◗Input and output agency (for example, X for ANSI X12)
◗Input and output version (for example, 003030)
◗Input and output transaction ID (for example, 850)
◗Input and output release (for TRADACOMS only)
◗File name of the translation object (for example, 3030.tpl)
Print Displays the Print Choice dialog box, which allows you to specify
whether you want to print the selected translation objects or print a
summary list of the selected translation objects.
The Formatted option is unavailable because a formatted
version is always printed when for a translation object.
Use this table to determine your next step.
Delete Removes the selected translation object or objects.
New Displays the Register Translation Object Dialog Box, which
allows you to identify a translation object to the system.
Refresh Refreshes the browser display.
(Continued on next page)
Part Function