Copying Partner Profiles Using Partners
Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005 Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide
3 - 90
6On the Partner Copy dialog box, type a unique profile identifier in the
Profile ID box.
7In the Name box, type the partner name.
8In the EDI Code box, type the EDI identifier for this partner.
The system uses this identifier during inbound processing to select
the correct partner.
9If necessary, in the Application Code box, type an application code to
identify this partner.
The system uses this identifier during outbound import processing to
select the correct partner.
10 Select the appropriate mailbox from the Default Mailbox list.
See the Communications User’s Guide for more information.
11 Complete the appropriate boxes in the enveloping section of the
dialog box.
◗You should only complete those boxes that are necessary for the
standard the copied partner profile uses. The standards are listed
to the right of each box.
◗If the partner profile you copied uses a standard, you must
complete all the necessary enveloping boxes for that standard. If
you do not complete the necessary boxes for the standard, the
system takes the necessary information from the copied partner
profile envelope.
If the copied partner profile uses the UCS standard, you must
complete the Interchange Communication ID box, among others.
12 After you enter all the partner information, click Save.
System response
The system displays the Outbound Interchange Entry Dialog Box.
(Continued on next page)
Step Action