Overview Using Translation Objects
Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005 Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide
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In this chapter This chapter describes how to use translation objects with Gentran:Server.
object definition
A translation object is a set of definitions, links, and rules that combine to provide
the translator with all the information necessary to convert data from one format
to another. Translation objects are used in Gentran:Server to control the
processing of the translator subsystem.
Translation objects are created by compiling an application map or a form
definition using the Application or Forms Integration subsystem in
See the Application Integration User’s Guide and Forms Integration User’s
Guide more information about those subsystems.
Types of
There are two types of translation objects:
System translation objects
System translation objects control the creation and separation of
interchanges, functional groups, and transaction sets. They are also used to
generate and reconcile functional acknowledgements.
User translation objects
User translation objects control screen entry, importing, exporting, and
creating printed reports. All required system translation objects are
automatically installed with the Gentran:Server system.