Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005
Getting Started Gentran:Server Data Translation Process
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8In the trading relationship, if you specify that the system needs to
generate a functional acknowledgement for a document, the
translator uses the system acknowledgement translation object to
generate the acknowledgement.
◗Compliant acknowledgements are moved to the Out Documents
to be sent.
◗Non-compliant acknowledgements are moved to the ?Out
Documents. If an error occurred with the acknowledgement
translation object, the acknowledgement is also moved to the
?Out Documents.
The translator also reconciles acknowledgements if you receive an
acknowledgement-type transaction (such as 997 or CONTRL).
9If you specified either automatic export or automatic turnaround in
the trading relationship, the translator uses the specified export or
document turnaround translation object to either export or generate
the appropriate response document.
Stage Description