Restored Interchanges Browser Using Archive and Restore
Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005 Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide
10 - 46
Restored Interchanges Browser
Introduction The Restored Interchanges browser enables you to view a list of all interchanges,
groups, and documents that were restored from an archive file. This browser
contains status information about the interchanges, such as whether a functional
acknowledgement was received and the status of that acknowledgement.
The information about the Restored Interchanges browser is organized in a
hierarchical manner. The following table describes the hierarchical organization
of the information on the Restored Interchanges browser.
Level How to access
Information displayed (in middle pane)
(all information may not appear)
Interchange Open Restored
Interchanges browser
◗direction of the interchange
◗date and time the interchange
was created
◗partner name
◗control number
◗interchange process status
◗network status
◗interchange acknowledgement
◗message status
If any of these components are
missing or not appropriate for a
particular interchange, they are not
Group Double-click an
◗group control number
◗group type
◗group acknowledgement status
If any of these components are
missing or not appropriate for a
particular group, they are not
(Continued on next page)