Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005 Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide
GL - 14
◗A major error occurred while processing the interchange,
functional group, or transaction level enveloping structures. This
error may include header and trailer control numbers that do not
match, an invalid trailer control count, or a control number
sequence checking error. If any of these errors occur, they are
listed on the translator report for the interchange containing the
Duplicate The document has the same name as another document on the
Out Documents
OK This code indicates that the document is fully compliant with the
EDI standard. Documents with this status can be sent.
Out Drawer
Sent This code indicates that the document was successfully
transmitted to the appropriate partner.
Waiting This code indicates that the document is waiting to be reconciled
with an inbound functional acknowledgement.
Overdue This code indicates that the document is waiting to be reconciled
with an inbound functional acknowledgement, but has exceeded
the number of hours by which that acknowledgement is deemed
Ack’d This code indicates that the document was acknowledged by your
partner and there were no errors.
AckErr This code indicates that the document was acknowledged by your
partner and there were errors, but it was accepted by your partner
in spite of the errors.
Reject This code indicates that the document was acknowledged by your
partner and there were errors. The document was rejected by your
~Ack This status is only displayed if there were no acknowledgements
expected for this document and either the group or the
interchange was partially acknowledged. If your partner is going
to issue partial acknowledgements at the interchange or group
level, he/she should also indicate acceptance or rejection at the
transaction level.
OnNet This code indicates that the document was successfully delivered
to a VAN. (To obtain this status using Sterling Information
Broker, you must have your mailbox configured to receive the 20
report in data format).
(Continued on next page)