Normal charging:
1. RED light blinks | Just a few moments | Charging will start soon (“waiting”) |
0.9 sec “on” / 0.1 sec “off” |
2. RED light burns | 4~5 hours max. | Charging |
3. RED light blinks slowly | Until the power source plug | Charging complete |
2 sec “on” / 2 sec “off” | is disconnected | (“completion”) |
Step 8. Disconnect the power source plug from the electric point.
Step 9. Disconnect the charger plug from the battery.
Step 10.Mount the battery onto the bicycle (step 2 and 1 in reverse order). Make sure that the battery is secured in “LOCK” position, so that it cannot move sideways.
5.1.3 Refresh charging
Lafree Twist’s charger has the capability to do a battery refresh. Refreshing simply involves the process of fully discharging the battery before it is fully recharged. This process is an essential step to extend the life of Twist’s batteries.
Refresh charging takes more time than normal charging. Depending on the amount
of energy that is still in the battery, the process may take approx. 15 hours.
Refresh charging has to be done frequently. This process has to be executed after every 15 times normal charging, but at least once
every 3 months.
This is how to do it:
Step 1. Hold the battery and turn the key of the battery lock
Step 2. Move the battery 45º sideways. Eject the grip and lift the battery out of the holder.