Section 3 | WattMaster WHP |
Setpoint Screen #8
| If your heat pump uses a reversing valve to determine the |
| WHP |
| heating or cooling mode of operation, select the message |
| |||
| R/VALVE & COMPRESSOR. If you are controlling | |
| |
| separate stages of heating and cooling select the |
| WHP#1Se | ||
Setpoint Screen #9 | |||
| If you have configured the system to use the reversing valve, |
| UseLeft/RighConfiguratipointsArrw |
| |
| you must select which mode requires it to be active. Select | |
| either the COOLING MODE or the HEATING MODE |
| RevrsingValveDuring:UsWHPeLeft/RightArrow#1COOLINGSetpointsUsedMODE |
| message. |
Setpoint Sc een #10
If you have configured the system to use the reversing valve, you can also set it to cycle on and off with the compressor, (CYCLES w/COMPRESSOR) or, to remain on once it is activated, and stay on until the opposite mode or unoccupied mode is selected (RUNS CONTINUOUS MODE). The valve always activates 10 seconds before the compressor
CYCLESRverseValveUsWHPeLeft#1wCOMPRESSOR/RightArrowSetpointsMode starts no matter which method you select.
Programming |