Connecting to your PC
Creating a smart album to automatically assemble images
Choose images from the library.
Click on the library so that the list
of image thumbnails appears.
Choose the images you wish to add
to the album by clicking on the
thumbnails for these images.
Add image files to your album.
Drag and drop the images you have
chosen in step 3 to the album you
created in step 2 so that the images
are added to the album.
Click Select images
To select multiple files, click on
the thumbnails for consecutive
files by holding down the “Shift”
key, or for non-consecutive files
by holding down the “Ctrl” key.
Drag and
Choose images you
wish to add to the
Designated album
Launch ImageMixer 3 HD Edition for
Create a new smart album.
From the “File” menu, select “New
Smart Album...”.
Specify conditions.
Specify the conditions for the
images you wish to assemble for
your smart album. Specify
conditions such as the image
recording date, image title, and so
on, then click “OK”. The specified
images are automatically searched
and the images which match the
conditions are registered to the new
smart album.
Drag and drop the thumbnails for
the images within the album to
change the order of the images
within an album.