
Other equipment/services

Recommended fax setup

Recommended fax setup

sharing your fax line

for parallel-type phone

for serial-type phone







Distinctive ring service

Case D: Fax with a distinctive

Case D: Fax with a

(You answered Yes to question

ring service on the same line

distinctive ring service on


the same line

3 only.)







Voice calls

Case E: Shared voice/fax line

Case E: Shared voice/fax

(You answered Yes to question



4 only.)






Voice calls and voice mail

Case F: Shared voice/fax line

Case F: Shared voice/fax


with voice mail

line with voice mail

(You answered Yes to



questions 4 and 7 only.)






Computer modem

Case G: Fax line shared with

Not applicable.

(You answered Yes to question

computer modem (no voice


calls received)


5 only.)







Voice calls and computer

Case H: Shared voice/fax

Not applicable.


line with computer modem


(You answered Yes to



questions 4 and 5 only.)






Voice calls and answering

Case I: Shared voice/fax line

Not applicable.


with answering machine


(You answered Yes to



questions 4 and 6 only.)






Voice calls, computer modem,

Case J: Shared voice/fax line

Not applicable.

and answering machine

with computer modem and


(You answered Yes to

answering machine


questions 4, 5, and 6 only.)






Voice calls, computer modem,

Case K: Shared voice/fax line

Not applicable.

and voice mail service

with computer modem and


(You answered Yes to

voice mail


questions 4, 5, and 7 only.)






setup Fax

User Guide