


A comment that you associate with an archive save set


to help identify that data later. Annotations are stored


in the media index for ease of searching and are


limited to 1,024 characters.


The process by which NetWorker software backs up


directories or files to an archive volume and then


grooms them to free disk space. When data is


archived, it is written to one or more storage volumes


and then marked so that it is never subject to


automatic recycling. You can delete the archived files


from the client, thus freeing disk space. See also



archive clone pool

A pool composed exclusively of archive clone save



archive pool

A volume pool composed exclusively of archive save


sets. Archived save sets are in a different format than


regular backup save sets, and must be maintained on


separate media.

archive volume

A tape or other storage medium used to store


NetWorker archive data, as opposed to a backup




An abbreviation for application-specific module. An


ASM is a program that, when used in a directive,


specifies the way that a set of files or directories is to


be backed up and recovered. For example,


compressasm is a NetWorker directive used to


compress and decompress files.


A directive that specifies how files or directories with


a matching pattern are backed up. This specification


appears in the format:


[+] asm: argument


For more information, refer to the nsr_5 man page or


the Legato Command Reference Guide.


A feature of a resource. It is a service or information


that the resource provides.




Legato NetWorker, Release 7.0

Disaster Recovery Guide

Page 170
Image 170
HP Legato Networker manual Glossary