Write-Host "Backup download complete!"



catch [System.Management.Automation.CommandNotFoundException]


return download-Backup-without-curl $backupResource $authValue $hostname


catch [System.Exception]


Write-Host "Not able to download backup" Write-Host $error[0].Exception



return $filePath


##### Function to download the Backup file without using the curl command #####

function download-Backup-without-curl ([PSCustomObject]$backupResource,[string]$authValue,[string]$hostname)




Downloads the backup file from the appliance to the local system (without using curl)

.PARAMETER backupResource

Backup resource containing Uri for downloading

.PARAMETER authValue

The authorized sessionID

.PARAMETER hostname

The IP address of the appliance


None, does not accept piping


The absolute path of the download file


download-backup-without-curl $backupResource $sessionID


#appends Uri ( obtained from previous function) to IP address $downloadUri = $hostname + $backupResource.downloadUri $downloadTimeout = 43200000 # 12 hours

$bufferSize = 65536 # bytes

#creates a new webrequest with appropriate headers

[net.httpsWebRequest]$downloadRequest = [net.webRequest]::create($downloadUri) $downloadRequest.method = "GET"

$downloadRequest.AllowAutoRedirect = $TRUE $downloadRequest.Timeout = $downloadTimeout $downloadRequest.ReadWriteTimeout = $downloadTimeout $downloadRequest.Headers.Add("auth", $authValue)

$downloadRequest.Headers.Add("X-API-Version", $global:scriptApiVersion)

#accept either octet-stream or json to allow the response body to contain either the backup or an exception $downloadRequest.accept = "application/octet-stream;q=0.8,application/json"

#creates a variable that stores the path to the file location. Note: users may change this to other file paths.

$fileDir = [environment]::GetFolderPath("Personal")



#connects to the Appliance, creates a new file with the content of the response [net.httpsWebResponse]$response = $downloadRequest.getResponse() $responseStream = $response.getResponseStream() $responseStream.ReadTimeout = $downloadTimeout

#saves file as the name given by the backup ID

$filePath = $fileDir + "\" + $backupResource.id + ".bkp"

$sr = New-Object System.IO.FileStream ($filePath,[System.IO.FileMode]::create) $responseStream.CopyTo($sr,$bufferSize)

$response.close() $sr.close()

if ($global:interactiveMode -eq 1)


Write-Host "Backup download complete!"



catch [Net.WebException]


$errorMessage = $error[0].Exception.message

#Try to get more information about the error try {

$errorResponse = $error[0].Exception.InnerException.Response.getResponseStream() $sr = New-Object IO.StreamReader ($errorResponse)

$rawErrorStream = $sr.readtoend()

$error[0].Exception.InnerException.Response.close() $errorObject = $rawErrorStream convertFrom-Json

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HP OneView manual Sample backup script