Write-EventLog -EventId 100 -LogName Application -Source backup.ps1 -Message $error[0].Exception.Message




##### Function to download the backup file #####

function download-Backup ([PSCustomObject]$backupResource,[string]$authValue,[string]$hostname)




Downloads the backup file from the appliance to the local system. Tries to use the curl command. The curl command has significantly better performance especially for large backups. If curl isn't installed, invokes download-Backup-without-curl to download the backup.

.PARAMETER backupResource

Backup resource containing Uri for downloading

.PARAMETER authValue

The authorized sessionID

.PARAMETER hostname

The IP address of the appliance


None, does not accept piping


The absolute path of the download file


download-backup $backupResource $sessionID


$downloadUri = $hostname + $backupResource.downloadUri $fileDir = [environment]::GetFolderPath("Personal") $filePath = $fileDir + "\" + $backupResource.id + ".bkp"

$curlDownloadCommand = "curl -o " + $filePath + " -s -f -L -k -X GET " + "-H 'accept: application/octet-stream' " +

"-H 'auth: " + $authValue + "' " +

"-H 'X-API-Version: $global:scriptApiVersion' " + $downloadUri

$curlGetDownloadErrorCommand = "curl -s -k -X GET " + "-H 'accept: application/json' " +

"-H 'auth: " + $authValue + "' " +

"-H 'X-API-Version: $global:scriptApiVersion' " + $downloadUri



$testCurlSslOption = curl -V

if ($testCurlSslOption -match "SSL")


invoke-expression $curlDownloadCommand




if ($global:interactiveMode -eq 1)


Write-Host "Version of curl must support SSL to get improved download performance."




Write-EventLog -EventId 100 -LogName Application -Source backup.ps1 -Message "Version of curl must support SSL to get improved download performance"


return download-Backup-without-curl $backupResource $authValue $hostname


if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)


$errorResponse = invoke-expression $curlGetDownloadErrorCommand if ($global:interactiveMode -eq 1)


Write-Host "Download using curl error: $errorResponse"




Write-EventLog -EventId 100 -LogName Application -Source backup.ps1 -Message "Download error: $errorResponse"


if (Test-Path $filePath)


Remove-Item $filePath




if ($global:interactiveMode -eq 1)


278 Backup and restore script examples